Accredited and Endorsed Business
Complementary Medical Association
The Complementary Medical Association is a not-for-profit organisation, that works to promote ethical, responsible, professional complementary medicine to the public and the medical profession. CMA-registered practitioners follow strict guidelines to ensure we are a highly qualified business which adheres to a strict Code of Ethics and disciplinary procedure.
Verywell Health
Verywell Health is an award-winning resource for credible and up-to-date information you need to confidently make healthier choices. Their team of 75 experienced medical professionals ensure our content is medically accurate and reflects the latest in evidence-based research and health information. They offer a Health Medical Expert Board of certified physicians to allow businesses like Lifelab Testing with our mission to make you confident in your next steps to better health.
Feist Weiller Cancer Center
We are proud to supply the Feist Weiller Cancer Center with our Lifelab prostate testing kits for clinical research. They are an affiliated research clinic located in USA and conduct Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved clinical trials to safeguard the rights and welfare of people who participate in research conducted by our investigators.
Lifelab Testing’s kits are all UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) The new product certification system must be used for manufactured products sold in England, Wales and Scotland. Lifelab Testing’s kits have been assessed for conformity to ensure quality and the procedure and processes in the manufacturing of all kits complies with regulatory requirements, and allow us to proudly have the UKCA label on our kits.
CE Marking
CE is a marking used for goods sold within the EU market, that assures the goods are compliant with the EU safety, health and environmental requirements. Our CE marking fulfils the requirements of European product directives and meets all the requirements of performance and safety standards. It ensures it is fit for its purpose and will not endanger lives or property. Our CE marks are facilitated by Obelis, who represent non-EU based manufacturers in a successful EU Market entry safeguarding their future across the entire community.
Contact: Obelis, Bd Général Wahis, 53B-1030 Brussels, Belgium. Tel +32(0) 2 73 25 954 | Fax +32 27326003