5 health benefits of caffeine you didn’t know about
Last Updated: 10th November 2022 · Written by Kate Young
Caffeine is one of the most popular and ‘needed’ substances in the world. Coffee, in particular, is one of the most popular beverages around the globe. Making the most of its great and refreshing taste, coffee has countless fans. It provides a proper pick-me-up in the morning and sometimes is a lovely after-dinner treat. BUT, what about if you have an intolerance to caffeine? Yep, it’s possible. It is not just food intolerances and food allergies that you need to look out for.
1) Stimulating the brain
Coffee holds so many benefits and good qualities and is not just simply an energy booster. It can also help to stimulate the brain, leaving you feeling especially refreshed. When you consume caffeine, it heads straight for the brain. Once it reaches there, caffeine blocks inhibitory neurotransmitters and encourages enhanced firing of neurons. This leads to effects like improved performance in terms of memory, vigilance and general mental function, according to Coffee Urban. If you want to feel extra alert, definitely hunt down the coffee, unless you have an intolerance to caffeine!
2) Coffee Burns Fat
Here’s one that everyone wants to read! Yay, coffee burns fat. If you are looking to slim down or would like to kickstart your health kick, add coffee to your workout! This is because caffeine boosts the metabolic rate of the body, prompting it to burn more fat. Like water, coffee also works as an appetite suppressor, meaning you might not feel as hungry as you did before you drink it. All in all, coffee is great for your health kick unless you have an intolerance to caffeine.
3) It can help mentally
Coffee and caffeine actually help to fight depression. It is not a cure and is not a medical treatment, but it can help you to forget about your stresses for a while. Dealing with both food allergies and food intolerances can cause people to stress, anxiety and depression. of course, if you have an intolerance to caffeine, this won’t help.
How does it help? How do you know if you have an allergy or intolerance to caffeine? You can identify your allergies and intolerances with a Lifelab Testing intolerance test. But how can it help you to fight depression? Well, as you drink coffee, the caffeine travels to your brain, blocking the inhibitory neurotransmitter adenosine.
4) Improves cognitive function
Well, here is another way coffee gets your brain all fired up. Regular coffee consumption is associated with improved cognitive function. As with the whole point of this article, we are not encouraging you to go overboard on coffee, but simply advising you as to how coffee and caffeine can be beneficial to your health. According to research, a reasonably moderate coffee intake helps to improve cognitive function. Don’t consume unlimited amounts, but monitor your intake. If you have an allergy or intolerance to caffeine, then we do recommend that you do not touch caffeine.
5) It adds fibre to your diet (a must!)
Did you know that coffee adds fibre to your diet? We bet you didn’t… Coffee beans are actually well known to be packed with fibre. Though dark roast coffee does tend to have slightly less content than usual. Adding fibre to your diet is important, but please do not do it if you have an intolerance to caffeine.
For more information on food intolerance, food allergy, or caffeine intolerance, please do log on to www.lifelabtesting.com. Find out today if you have an intolerance to caffeine by taking advantage of our 30% OFF SALE!