My Cough Won't Go Away, is it an Allergy? | Lifelab Testing

Allergy Testing Advice – “My Cough Won’t Go Away…Do I Have an Allergy?”

Last Updated: 7th August 2024 · Written by Kate Young

If you’ve had a cough for an extended period, it’s fairly common knowledge that you should go to a doctor and get it checked out, especially if it lasts more than 3 weeks. However, if that’s what you do and after getting medical advice, nothing sinister is found – apart from your persistent cough – it’s hard to know what to do next. A question we’re sometimes asked by people in this situation, is “My cough won’t go away. Do I have an Allergy?”

Of course, allergies can cause all sorts of sinus and bronchial issues and allergy testing can provide definitive answers in this respect. Before we explain that a little further, we look now at how coughs can be caused by allergens and treated with antihistamines and other allergy medications.

Airborne Allergic Triggers

Air quality can play a major part in the life of an allergy sufferer, be it through coming into contact with pollution, pollen and even dust. Issues like rhinitis, sinus infections, persistent eye irritation and indeed chronic coughs can all result from an allergy that has yet to be diagnosed with allergy testing.

Treatment: Typically speaking, this kind of allergy is treated with either antihistamine and/or asthma inhalers and is often not serious, though it can be quite debilitating – particularly if the sufferer already has asthma.

Food Allergy Triggers

One consideration that often gets overlooked when dealing with coughs, is that the allergen causing the issue might be something that’s been eaten, rather than something that’s in the air. It sounds counter-intuitive, as we immediately thinking of what’s in the air when a cough strikes, but it can be a symptom of an allergy to food. If this is the case, they could take lots of steps to deal with the issue, thinking it’s pollen or dust related and then see little or no improvement because they’re still eating the same foods.

Treatment: As food allergies can often be severe in nature, the medication used to treat the symptoms range from antihistamines for mild reactions, right the way through to EpiPens to combat anaphylactic shock – which can be life-threatening.

It’s a real minefield for the sufferer to navigate through, to steer clear of the triggers, which is why allergy testing can be so useful. Whilst the elimination method might work quite well with food intolerance diagnosis, bronchial related symptoms are not ones that you want to be experiencing too often, particularly if they involve shortness of breath. In this instance, a diagnosis is something of a priority.

Quick, Precise and Painless

Allergy testing is the most effective and painless way to pinpoint exactly what your allergic triggers are.

At Lifelab Testing, we offer high-quality scientific blood screening services for as little as £68.99 that can immediately give you the answers you are looking for to alleviate your issues. You could save yourself an awful of unnecessary irritation and associated health problems by arming yourself with the facts about what your body can and can’t cope with.

What can seem like a fairly minor issue, could be indicative of a bigger, underlying problem and the sooner it is diagnosed, the better. We’re not trying to scaremonger, it’s just that where your health is concerned, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Food allergies can develop at any time of your life and managing them correctly can literally be a case of life and death.

For more information on our allergy testing and intolerance testing services, take a look through our website and if you fancy having a chat with one of our friendly experts about your needs, all you need to do is click on the ‘live chat’ box on the bottom right hand of the page. We promise they don’t bite and they’ll be able to answer any questions you might have.

Thanks for reading our blog and we wish you a happy, healthy and allergy free day!

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