Allergy Testing Before Giving up Your New Diet
Last Updated: 10th November 2022 · Written by Donna Mastriani
So you’re a couple of weeks into your “New Year, New Me” quest and, frankly, the only thing new is the constant state of exasperation at the fact your new diet appears to be doing absolutely nothing. Your goal dress you bought to wear to that wedding you’re dieting for still clings stubbornly around your stomach. What is the point, might as well grab the ice cream, stick some loungewear on and ignore the world outside. PUT DOWN THAT MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP. We have the answer;
Intolerance & Allergy testing.
That’s right, the food you’re eating IS the problem but NOT in the way you think. Bloating is an incredibly common side effect of a food intolerance or allergy and, when you’re looking to lose a few pounds around the stomach, it can be the difference between sticking to and giving up on your new diet.
New Food, New Problems.

When you started your new diet, you have probably introduced a lot of new foods that you either haven’t eaten a lot of or may even never have ever eaten before. So as you have been losing body fat, your food intolerance has been masking your progress by filling your stomach with gas. Incredibly annoying but intolerance and allergy testing is your salvation here.
How Does Bloating Work?

Bloating occurs when you eat a food to which you’re intolerant. When you have an intolerance, your body doesn’t produce enough enzymes to break down the problem food, and so bacteria does the job instead. The problem being that when they do so, they create an excessive amount of gas which becomes trapped in the stomach. As a result, the stomach expands, leaving you with that bloated feeling. It’s time to take action and identify the food that is irritating your gut and keeping you out of that body goals dress.
Intolerance and allergy testing is available to suit all budgets on our website.