Asthma & Allergens That Cause It
Last Updated: 10th November 2022 · Written by Donna Mastriani
Asthma is a common condition that causes respiratory distress, such as coughing, wheezing and acute difficulty in breathing. Whether the condition exists due to genetic or environmental factors, the symptoms are very often difficult to tell apart and even if allergens aren’t the direct cause, they can certainly exacerbate the problem.
There are some distinct differences to watch out for, when trying to differentiate the two:
An allergic reaction will manifest in the following symptoms:
❏ Sneezing
❏ Excess mucus production
❏ Scratchiness in the throat
❏ Hives and/or rashes
❏ Itchy and watery eyes
Whereas, with asthma (a respiratory condition), the symptoms are quite different:
❏ Prolonged coughing at night or first thing in the morning
❏ Tightness of the chest
❏ Wheezing
❏ An ability to catch breath
Allergy Induced Asthma
Congenital asthma is a long-term condition that can usually only be treated by Salbutamol and/or corticosteroids as needed, which means that aside from recognising the symptoms and administering inhalers as necessary, there’s not a lot that can be done to prevent it.
What can be done however, is to identify any allergens that might trigger an attack or make the problem worse. This is where a blood test can be very useful. For just £75, you can be screened for a wide range of potential triggers and minimise the chance of any unnecessary asthma attacks.
Simply visit our website and take the few simple steps necessary to provide us with a small sample of your blood and usually within 3-5 working days, you’ll know a lot more about what your body likes and what it doesn’t do so well with.
Useful to Many
Around 5 million people in the UK suffer with asthma and of those, over 60% have a form of the condition that is worsened and compounded by food based and airborne allergens. This means that over 3 million people could potentially benefit from better control of diet and reduced exposure to any potential allergic triggers.
Treating Allergy Induced Asthma
In addition to standard medications you would get from your GP, like Ventolin inhalers that treat asthma itself, there are various other treatments specifically designed to help with symptoms that point towards allergy induced asthma.
They include:
Allergy shots, which are used a little bit like a vaccine, as each shot administers a small amount of the allergen into the body to allow it to slowly build a tolerance to it. Also called immunotherapy, it is usually given over a period of around 3 years and it is administered by injection, hence the name.
Anti-Immunoglobulin E (usually referred to as IgE for ease) Immunotherapy focuses on the allergic reaction itself and is typically only suitable for those with moderately acute asthma. It is not given initially, as it is usually reserved for when other treatment has had no effect.
Montelukast is another asthma medication that can be used to combat the symptoms of allergies and allergy induced asthma. It is normally taken on a daily basis in pill form and it helps to regulate the body’s immune response.
Get Tested Now!
If you’re one of the 5 million sufferers of asthma in the UK, you’ll know how unpleasant an attack can be and by getting yourself tested, you’ll identify things that make it worse, allowing you to take the necessary measures to lessen the impact and start enjoying the warmer months of the year like everyone else.