Benefits of eating chocolate! | Lifelab Testing

The truth about chocolate

Last Updated: 12th January 2023 · Written by Donna Mastriani

If you are looking to be happier and healthier then you will know the importance of having a healthy diet and cutting out the snacks and treats you are usually so accustomed to. If you have learned that you have a food allergy, but still want to consume foods like chocolate, then this article is perfect for you, unless you have a food allergy to it.

With chocolate being by far the all-time ultimate comfort food for people who are stressed or are tired, many people turn to it as a food of choice. Additionally, it is also a reliable mood enhancer when life gets too much. But is it healthy? It’s not if you have a food allergy to chocolate… But let’s take a look around the alternatives, including dark chocolate.

Obviously, if you eat lots of it, no! However, research is continuing all the time and experts have found that dark chocolate (with a cocoa percentage of 70% or more) is really good for us. Lifelab Testing are going to tell you the medically proven health benefits, so you can enjoy it without feeling guilty. After you finish your food allergy test, of course!

Now, it is important to note that we are not saying to go and eat bucket loads of the stuff, but 3 squares (30g) a day will give you a health boost like you won’t believe!  The darker the chocolate the better, dark chocolate is packed full of antioxidants and minerals with impressive qualities. Milk chocolate has 2-4 times fewer antioxidants and contains much more sugar and fat and for every four squares of milk chocolate you eat instead of dark, you will be eating a whole 2.5 teaspoons more of sugar. Mind Blown! But that’s not the exciting bit, this comes next…

Here are 5 reasons you should consume more dark chocolate!

1) Weight-Loss

Dark Chocolate can help you lose weight. However, if you have a food allergy to it, then it could cause symptoms like nausea and a bloated stomach. Neuroscientist, Will Clower says a small square of dark chocolate melted on the tongue 20 minutes before a meal triggers the hormones in the brain that say ‘I’m full’, cutting the amount of food you actually eat and finishing a meal by doing the same thing can reduce snacking! Pass me the chocolate!

2) Better Skin

Science shows that dark chocolate is actually GOOD for our complexion. So, if your food allergy has previously seen you break out in a skin rash, then chocolate could be IDEAL. This is because cocoa contains flavanol, a type of phytochemical that boosts skin hydration, plumps up the density and improves blood flow to the surface. It also helps in boosting your skins natural protection against sun damage – you won’t want to ditch the sun cream but you may want to up the dark choc uptake before you hit the beach!  Combined with an allergy test, eating the right foods will help you sparkle from the inside out!

3) Dark Chocolate is Brain Food

Flavanols are thought to reduce memory loss in older people, and the anti-inflammatory qualities of dark chocolate have been found to benefit in treating brain injuries! Dark chocolate also contains phenylethylamine which is the same chemical that your brain creates when you feel like your falling in love and it also encourages your brain to release feel-good endorphins.

4) Packed with Minerals

Dark chocolate is packed full of goodness, it is packed full of iron and minerals such as immune-boosting zinc and potassium.  Remember, don’t go overboard as it does still contain sugar and calories so 30g a day is more than enough!

5) Healthy Heart

Dark Chocolate can help prevent white blood cells from sticking to the walls meaning it can keep your arteries healthy and unclogged. Eating a moderate amount of good quality (over 75%) dark chocolate can also lower blood pressure and improve blood flow!

More information on food allergy

For more information on allergy testing, healthy eating and looking to cope with your food allergy, check out Lifelab Testing and discover your healthier future.

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