Could I Have A Sugar Allergy - Lifelab Testing

Could I Have A Sugar Allergy

Published: 30th August 2024 · Written by Donna Mastriani

Most of us will reach for a sugar fix on a low-energy day. It’s effective, after all, and readily available. But what about if sugar doesn’t agree with your body? Sugar can be a problem ingredient for many people and even be dangerous for some. A sugar allergy isn’t as often talked about as other types of food allergies, but it is something to consider if you have a sugar issue. If you’re ready to learn why a complete body test might be what you need to help explain a sugar allergy or at least help you know what’s going on in your body, read on!

What is sugar?

Most of us assume that sugar is the white stuff that we add to tea or feed to horses in a cubed form. This is correct, of course. However, there is more than one type of sugar. There are multiple types, actually.

The different types of sugar

Some of the most common and widely consumed types of sugar include the following:

  • Sucrose
  • Fructose
  • Glucose
  • Lactose
  • Galactose
  • Maltose
  • Xylose

Of these types of sugar, fructose is the most likely problem ingredient for those that have a sugar allergy. However, it isn’t the only possibility. Understanding what’s going on from head to toe should involve a complete body test to see what your body responds well and poorly to and how to change your diet to accommodate your body’s needs.

Is a sugar allergy possible?

Now for the moment of truth. Can you be allergic to sugar? A sugar allergy is possible, but it is very rare. Statistically, it’s amongst the options on the list of rarest food allergies (right up there with vanilla and beef). However, in that small percentage of people with an actual sugar allergy, it’s a big deal. A sugar allergy is often very strong in its allergic reaction. Those allergic to sugar will most likely have more severe symptoms or even anaphylaxis.

Many veg options are loaded with sugar!

If you have a sugar allergy, you will need to know what types of sugar you are reacting to to avoid it and learn what kind of sugar-free diet works best for your health and safety. Since sugar is in so many things (we’ll touch on that shortly), it’s a good idea to consider reaching out to a nutritional specialist so that you have expert advice guiding you.

All food allergies should be taken seriously, but this is especially important since sugar allergic reactions can be very strong and severe. Who better than a “food specialist” to help you determine a safe, healthy, well-balanced diet?

Why is sugar such a problem?

So, if a sugar allergy is real but rare, why is sugar such a problematic ingredient for many people? The answer to this is sugar intolerance. Above, we listed off the many types of sugar, and it’s possible to be intolerant to all or any of those.

Food intolerances are very common, though many people live their entire lives without knowing they have them. Sugar intolerances, similar to a sugar allergy, can have strong and severe symptoms, including wheezing and shortness of breath. This is why a sugar intolerance can easily be mistaken for a sugar allergy.

Those with sugar intolerances often avoid or greatly limit their sugar intake to avoid those troublesome symptoms. Many use sugar substitutes or adjust their diets to be as reduced as possible in their sugar use.

What has sugar in it?

As mentioned above, sugar is practically everywhere. There are some obvious places, such as packets of sweets, fizzy drinks, and sauces. But some (seemingly) illogical choices can make it hard to avoid sugar without a lot of help. For example, many veg options are loaded with sugar! Cabbage, broccoli, and asparagus are all sugar-rich dinner plate staples. Since these are often nutritious sides for dinners, it can be frustrating and confusing.

Many natural foods, which are healthy for us in other ways, are loaded with sugar. Fruits and fruit-based products are a prime example of this.

Then there is the whole category of hidden sugar in processed foods. Even something like takeaway or crisps (which we associate with fat and salt) can have a terrifying amount of hidden sugar!

Determining if you do have a sugar allergy

No matter where you look, sugar is there and waiting for you. Knowing what is happening to your body is essential whether you are sugar intolerant or have an actual sugar allergy. Instead of asking yourself, “Can you be allergic to sugar?” take action and consider a complete body test. Not only can it help you get to know yourself better, but it can also help give you peace of mind to show you what to avoid.

It’s eye-opening to realize that you could be allergic to something as commonplace as sugar. It makes you think twice when you reach for the much-loved sugar fix, right? Use this as your launchpad to get accurate data about what’s going on in your body to make any changes you need for a healthy, happy life!

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