Dealing with Hay Fever in Summer | Lifelab Testing

Dealing with Hay Fever in the Summer Months

Last Updated: 3rd February 2023 · Written by Donna Mastriani

It can’t have escaped your notice that the UK is experiencing a warm spell not seen since the mid-1970s and whilst this is great for sun worshippers and seaside goers alike, it’s not good news for everyone. Around 1 in 4 Britons suffer from hay fever, which equates to a staggering 15 million people and when it gets warm, the misery and irritation that comes with hay fever is unleashed.

Surprisingly, however, many of the people suffering from hay fever don’t know it and simply put the symptoms they experience down to other factors, like tiredness, colds and flu. For those people that this applies to, the unfortunate fact is that they are more than likely suffering unnecessarily, as there is a range over the counter, non-prescription medication available to tackle the problem.

Throw into the mix the fact that there are numerous types of hay fever, which are triggered by a range of grasses, trees and weeds and you soon see why it can sometimes be tricky to put your finger on the root of any ‘hay fever-like’ symptoms you might be having.

The Symptoms

During the Spring, Summer and sometimes even in the Autumn months, Hay Fever can strike, and the symptoms felt can be quite varied, but they all point to the same kind of allergic irritation:

Typically, hay fever symptoms include:

A headache
Dry throat
A complete loss of sense of smell
Irritated Sinuses
Sore and/or watery eyes
Itchiness of the soft tissue in the eyes, mouth and nose

If you regularly experience any of the above symptoms, then there’s more than an average chance that you have some form of hay fever, but the good news is that there are ways and means of minimising the effects and easing your irritation.


There is a raft of non-prescription medication available from your local pharmacy for dealing with the problem of hay fever and they range from simple antihistamines to decongestants, eye drops and steroidal treatments. For each symptom, there will be a medication to lessen its effects.

However, how can you be sure exactly what is causing your own particular form of hay fever? How do you know that you’re not wasting money on medication for something you might not even have?

Get Tested!

At Lifelab Testing, we offer simple, painless blood screening services that pinpoint exactly what your body is allergic to. So, instead of going through the painstaking process of trying to identify what’s causing your problem, you can have a detailed report produced of not only your own allergic triggers but also foods that you might be intolerant to.

The whole process is usually completed within a week and it can all be done from the comfort of your own home. It doesn’t cost the earth either, with tests starting at £68.99, you could be living free from hay fever and a range of other allergic conditions in no time. If not, you’ll at least be armed with the knowledge you need to know to best avoid whatever it is your body has a tough time dealing with.

If you’d like to know about taking the next step, click here, and you’ll find everything you need to know. There’s even a ‘live chat’ facility to allow you talk to our friendly experts and ask any questions you might have.

We look forward to helping free you from the misery that is Hay Fever.

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