Our features in the press | Lifelab Testing

Lifelab Testing features in the press!

Last Updated: 7th August 2024 · Written by Donna Mastriani

Providing state-of-the-art allergy testing to our clients, Lifelab Testing has been featured around the world having worked with a variety of athletes and high-profile actors. Working with well-known names such as Duncan James (of Blue fame), Ollie Hynd MBE (Paralympic Gold Medallist) and many more which you can find here…

Features and magazines – allergy testing

Having helped Danielle Lloyd to identify her own allergies and intolerances, she recommended us to a variety of her Instagram followers and her story was featured in many newspapers.

The Sun and Mail Online featured her stories, and Danielle was quick to praise the way that our allergy and intolerance tests helped her and her family. Be sure to check us out as well as many of our customer’s testimonials!

Cosmopolitan Online (x2)

Wow! Cosmo were very impressed by a Lifelab Test, and they had a giveaway in their own magazine. The competition in Cosmo has 10,644 entries in total, with one lucky winner picking up a Lifelab Testing Intolerance Test and a number of nutritional sessions. The interest in the test showed and Lifelab Testing were delighted to help customers all over the UK to learn something new about allergies and intolerances.

Our Nutritional Therapist, Sian, also provided Cosmo with a round-up on what nutritionists and nutritional therapists were giving up for Lent. This went down very well for our customers.

Love It! Magazine

Love it! Logo magazine. Lifelab in the press

Most recently, at Lifelab Testing we were delighted to feature in Love It! magazine. Featuring on the inside page, the magazine offered one of our intolerance tests as a weekly prize!

Celebrity Posts

Oliver Proudlock and Danielle Lloyd have both posted about Lifelab since they did their tests. Danielle was glowing and amassed multiple likes and comments, to which she replied constantly praising the tests and telling her followers about how much the intolerance and allergy tests had helped.

For more information on allergy testing and intolerance testing, check out www.lifelabtesting.com and seek a new world of information and advice. Speak to us to see how we can help you!

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