Identifying Your Food Intolerance
Last Updated: 3rd February 2023 · Written by Kate Young
When the body has difficulty in processing certain food types and more pointedly, experiences certain unpleasant reactions, this is known as a food intolerance. Symptoms of this can vary, but most usually it manifests as stomach pain and bloating, typically a few hours after ingesting said food.
The incidence of people suffering with this condition has skyrocketed in recent times, but it is difficult to be certain of exactly how many are affected due to the fact that most don’t even know they have it.
Narrowing Things Down
The job of narrowing what type of food that is causing you a problem can be a long and drawn out process, as food diaries are used, and it involves monitoring your food intake and the reactions experienced over an extended period.
Another method, which can be just as laborious, is the elimination method. If you suspect a certain food to be the offender, you can remove it from your diet and see if the symptoms disappear. Trial and error sometimes works in this respect, but it’s hit and miss.
The fastest way is to have your blood tested for potential intolerances to food by visiting and taking the simple steps required to have your sample sent to us through the post.
The good news is that it costs as little as £99 and takes just a few days to complete and for you to receive your results. Once you have the information you need, you’re much better placed to take action to combat what intolerance you have.
What Causes a Food Intolerance?
Many different food types can lead to a reaction depending on the person, but the common theme that runs through each one is that they are all caused by a deficiency in a particular enzyme that stops them being absorbed into the body. This results in undigested food entering the intestines and that’s when the problems start.
The symptoms of food intolerance can be quite varied. They include:
❏ Bloating of the stomach
❏ Persistent migraines
❏ Diarrhea
❏ Nausea
❏ Coughing
❏ Hives
❏ A general sense of feeling unwell Could the symptoms be something?
Yes, they could and that is why getting tested is such a good idea. The last thing you want to do is eliminate a food group in error, to find out at a later date that you didn’t need to, as the problems you were experiencing were nothing to do with food. This counts double if the food you’re eliminating is a foodstuff many of us like, like bread or cheese.
In fact, if you take one of our tests, you could find out that you have an allergy, rather than intolerance, which is something that would take a lot of time and effort to determine on your own.
In truth, many of the symptoms listed above and more can be down to stress, IBS or a host of different allergies and intolerances and the only way to find out definitively is to get yourself screened.
The alternative? An extended period or even a lifetime of suffering needlessly.
If you’d like to find out more, visit our website where you can find out all about what we do and even have a ‘live chat’ with one of our expert team.