Make Your Health Your Black Friday Priority
Last Updated: 27th November 2024 · Written by Donna Mastriani
As the world prepares for Black Friday, shoppers also start planning how to pick their deals. Black Friday sales are everywhere, and figuring out how to make the best of it can be challenging. If you want to avoid the basic holiday and tech sales, why not shop for your health? Health-based shopping has many benefits if you want to do what’s best for your body and general health all year. Below, you’ll learn about the availability of complete allergy and intolerance testing and how it, along with other options, can give you a health-based Black Friday shopping spree!
Why should you prioritise your health?
Let’s start with the most basic question you should ask yourself right now. Why should health be at the top of your shopping list when you could buy the newest tablet or headphones instead? It’s a fair question, after all. There are a few reasons, it turns out.
Diet relates to our health
This is an obvious statement, perhaps, but important when deciding between health-based purchases and “just because” purchases. A balanced diet is essential for good physical and mental health. Since many of us find we have to compromise at some points on both or either of these focuses, take the time and effort now to prioritise your health when planning your focus for Black Friday sales.
Our bodies are hard to understand sometimes
Another reason to consider something health-based during this shopping season is to get more in the know about what’s happening in your body. One of the most exciting details about the complete body testing results is that you get concrete data about what your body is doing. This information will help you better understand your body’s needs, likes, and dislikes.
The other feature is that it’s hard to understand what our bodies do not need or want (such as food intolerances). We don’t know what’s happening until we feel the effects of the wrong choice. This can greatly impact our overall well-being, and it’s easily fixed with the proper support.
How to make your health a priority
With that in mind, let’s look at just how to keep your health a priority daily, and also when it comes to your approach to life. For the most part, it comes down to understanding what good health means for you! You can take several approaches to it.
Try a basic allergy test
If you’re curious about possibly having allergies, try our Essential Allergy Test. This is a great starting point to see if you have mild, moderate, or severe allergies to many food or environmental elements you don’t know about!
Take a look at our basic intolerance test
Did you know you can have a food intolerance and not even know it? Food intolerances can create a lot of mysterious symptoms that have real impacts on our daily lives. Consider a Essential Intolerance Test if you want to learn more about your body.
Get the full picture with a complete body test
You can work seamlessly with your body by getting to know it detail by detail with a complete body test. This is a wonderful way to understand what’s going on with your body from head to toe and make any adjustments to help you feel at your best in the future.

Make health a group thing
We are social creatures, so doing things as a “pack” is a great way to make a positive change easier, especially at first. This could be meal planning, adding exercise, focusing on mental health activities, etc. Regardless, doing it with a trusted friend or family member is a great way to help make the change stick and build a stronger relationship and bond with the person you’re doing it with! Plus, it also helps them have a companion on a journey to a healthy future. So, it’s a win-win!
Understand what your body needs
You can put your health at the forefront of your life simply by taking the time to “translate” your body’s needs or wants into a language you can understand. This is what comprehensive testing does. It gives you precise data to help you know what you can and should do to adjust your diet and take the best care of your body daily and long-term.
Top tips for healthy Black Friday shopping
Now, all that’s left is to sort out how you want to go shopping with your best health in mind. It doesn’t need to be hard, thankfully. You’ll want to do your shopping research in advance. Sometimes, Black Friday sales seem good but create hype over something that isn’t as good as it promises. Pick brands and products that you trust.
For Black Friday we’re offering up to 15% off on our allergy and intolerance tests when you use the code BFHEALTH15 at checkout. Get the most out of your savings by signing up for alerts from those top health brands and products you want so you don’t miss out on the deal!
Your health is easy to care for with the tips, tools, and Black Friday sales to help you! The next step is to start researching and shopping to give yourself a wonderful, thoughtful gift that will last long after the sale season ends!