Should You Cut Out Bread To Stop Bloating?
Last Updated: 10th November 2022 · Written by Donna Mastriani
Have you ever felt bloated after eating foods such as bread, pasta, or cereal? If so, you’re not alone. Thousands of people around the UK are wheat intolerant (also known as wheat sensitive), with many reporting symptoms such as bloating and abdominal pain.
In recent years, the number of people choosing to cut foods such as wheat and gluten out of their diets has increased. And it’s not just bread that can cause problems. From meat and dairy to soya and nuts, there are many other foods that can give people bad reactions.
In this blog post, we’ll be exploring some of the most common food intolerances and the symptoms they can cause.
Wheat Products

Wheat sensitivity occurs when someone finds it difficult to digest wheat products. Although researchers aren’t sure why some people struggle to digest wheat, it’s thought they could lack a necessary enzyme in their digestive tract, resulting in abdominal issues such as bloating and discomfort.
If you’ve noticed that your stomach bloats after you’ve eaten bread or other wheat products, cutting these foods out of your diet could help. This is known as the elimination method and it can be an effective way to diagnose intolerances if you think you know what’s causing your issue.
If your symptoms improve after you’ve stopped eating wheat, it could well be a sign that you’re wheat intolerant.
Dairy Products
In many cases, dairy intolerance is caused because somebody is unable to digest lactose – a sugar that’s present in dairy products such as milk. Lactose intolerance often results in digestive problems including diarrhoea, but there are also a range of other symptoms which could indicate a dairy sensitivity:
- Skin irritation
- Respiratory problems such as asthma, snoring, and congestion
- Headaches and sinus pain
- Acne
Meat intolerances aren’t as common as wheat and dairy sensitivities, but the symptoms can be very similar. This means that people who are meat intolerant can often mistake the condition for something else, especially as meat is almost always eaten at the same time as other known allergens.
If you experience problems such as nausea, diarrhoea, bloating, hives or fatigue after eating meat, you could consider taking an intolerance test to find out whether meat is to blame for your symptoms.
Soya products might be a popular alternative to milk and meat, but they can come with their own host of problems. People who suffer from a soya intolerance could experience bloating, nausea, gas and abdominal pain. For some, these symptoms will be mild enough that they can still consume soya in small doses, for example, in tea or coffee.
Order Your Intolerance Test
Whether you are convinced you’re wheat intolerant or not sure what’s to blame for your symptoms, it’s important to get to the bottom of your condition. If you’re suffering from any of the problems we mentioned above, order your intolerance test from Lifelab Testing today for fast and accurate results.