Spotting the Symptoms Of Anaphylaxis - Lifelab Testing

Spotting the Symptoms Of Anaphylaxis

Last Updated: 3rd February 2023 · Written by Kate Young

Allergic reactions are sometimes so mild that they go largely unnoticed by the sufferer, but they can also get so bad that they become life threatening. In the case of anaphylaxis, spotting it early can significantly reduce the chances of it becoming serious, so if someone in your family suffers from a reaction so severe that anaphylactic shock occurs, it’s really important that you know what to look out for.

The symptoms

On their own, some of the symptoms could be passed off as other, less severe ailments, but together, they are a warning light for something much more serious.

The tell-tale signs include:

❏ A racing pulse 
❏ Profuse, excessive sweating 
❏ Nausea and/or vomiting 
❏ A sudden change in skin colour or tone 
❏ Respiratory distress 
❏ Swelling or puffiness (particularly around the eyes and mouth)

If the symptoms listed above are continually unmonitored, the next stage of anaphylaxis is fainting and unconsciousness. If you haven’t already, by this point, you should be looking for immediate medical attention, as it has now become a life-threatening condition.

Staying Calm

If this happens in your presence, it is vital that you stay calm and controlled as your panic could just make the problem worse, particularly if you’re dealing with a child or someone of a nervous disposition. Anaphylaxis often results in respiratory distress, which in itself can be extremely frightening, but you must stay as calm and relaxed as possible.

If the person concerned has fallen into unconsciousness, the best thing you can do is to put them into the recovery position and wait until medical services arrive.

Finding Out Before an Attack Happens

Unfortunately, many people are unaware they have severe reactions to a particular substance until they have had an attack of anaphylaxis, as an allergy like this can develop at any stage of life. The good news is that this doesn’t have to be the case and you can get yourself tested against up to 25 different allergens with

Simply visit our website, order your test and wait for your pack to come through the post. You then just need to activate your test and send us your blood sample, which will be tracked throughout its journey. Once we have screened your sample against a wide range of allergens, we’ll let you know by email and tell you how to access your results online.

It’s that simple.

If you’d still like to know more, then take a look round our website, which is packed with info or if you’d like a chat with one of our expert team, log into ‘live chat’ and start talking.

Anaphylaxis, like many other types of allergic reaction, is eminently avoidable, but you can only do so if you know what you’re dealing with. It could literally be a question of life and death, which sounds dramatic, but is regrettably true.

Take control of your life and get yourself tested today. We’re just a few taps of the keyboard away!

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