Lactose Intolerance Food Substitutes | Lifelab Testing

What Can You Digest If You Have Lactose Intolerance?

Last Updated: 3rd February 2023 · Written by Kate Young

We’ve got a legen-dairy read for you! We’ve put together a list of the tastiest substitutes for lactose intolerance sufferers. We know how difficult coping with lactose intolerance can be and we’re here to offer you all the help and advice we can in order to help you lead a trouble-free life. Now wouldn’t that ‘brie’ good?

Let’s start with the basics; what is Lactose Intolerance?

People often think that having lactose intolerance is the same as having an IgG4 intolerance reaction to milk or dairy products. Well, this isn’t the case. Lactose intolerance is quite a common digestive problem in which the body is unable to digest lactose; Lactose is the sugar that is mainly found in milk and dairy products. This is because your body has a deficiency of a certain enzyme known as lactase. The job of this enzyme is to break down the sugars that are found in milk and dairy products.

Symptoms of lactose intolerance

There are many symptoms that come from suffering from lactose intolerance and normally these will occur a few hours after the product containing lactose has been consumed. Some symptoms include;

The severity of the above symptoms and when they may occur will all depend on the amount of lactose that has been consumed. Symptoms and severity of will differ from one person to the next as somebody may be able to ingest a glass of milk and see no symptoms whereas somebody may not even be able to handle the milk in their tea or coffee.

The symptoms of lactose intolerance can be similar to those of IBS and a milk protein intolerance which is why people are often confused. If you are suffering from the above symptoms, then be sure to see your GP to seek further advice.

Substitute foods for lactose intolerance sufferers

So, suffering from lactose intolerance doesn’t have to be a bad thing, in fact, there are some really yummy alternatives available so you can still enjoy all the dairy treats that you’re craving.

Look at some of the substitutes we recommend below;

Soy Milk – Milk contains calcium which is one of the most important nutrients that we require. As milk is not an option for lactose intolerance sufferers, soy milk is a fantastic alternative.  

Almond/Oat Milk – This is a great substitute to ensure you’re still receiving good amounts of magnesium and vitamin E.

Yoghurt – Although yoghurt is made from milk, it contains much less lactose with active bacterial cultures. The symptoms may be less when consuming yoghurt as most of the lactose will have been broken down by the good bacteria in yoghurt.

Green Vegetables – These are a fantastic alternative source for calcium and many other antioxidants.

Fish – Again, this is a great substitute for calcium and omega fatty acids.

Fermented Cheese – Cheese is known to have less lactose than some other dairy products. Hard and aged cheeses are ok to be included in your diet (if your symptoms are manageable) for a source of calcium and protein. 

Making the necessary changes to your diet means that you will still be receiving the nutrients you need from dairy products, so you won’t be missing out.

What’s next; a Lifelab Testing kit?

We don’t specifically test for Lactose Intolerance as we test for immune-mediated intolerances not digestive-mediated, but this doesn’t mean we can’t help you on your journey to a symptom-free life. With one of our at-home blood testing kits delivered straight to your door, we can help you narrow down what the cause of your symptoms may be before you come to the conclusion that you are suffering from Lactose Intolerance. Visit our website to find out more. Click here to read about the breakthrough for people suffering from Coeliac Disease.

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